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Open Positions Toggle
Polly avatar
Written by Polly
Updated over a week ago

The Open Positions toggle allows you to display your current holdings. This feature is available in both the Portfolio and Company sections of FAST Graphs. You can choose to plot through the open positions in your portfolio or to include all positions/stocks available in the portfolio.

Open Positions are any positions that have a holding amount greater than 0.

Note: This setting is specific to each portfolio. Changing it in one portfolio will not affect other portfolios.

Within Portfolios

Every table that displays tickers will be affected by this setting. This includes:

  • The summary table

  • The holdings table

  • All views

  • Advanced Portfolio tables

With the Open Positions toggle enabled, these tables will show only open positions.

Within the Company App

When a portfolio is selected, this setting also applies to the Company App. This allows you to quickly navigate through only your open positions in the selected portfolio.

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