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Create Views
Polly avatar
Written by Polly
Updated over a week ago

You can create a new view - or "Add existing view"

Columns for Create View

Create New View

Clicking on "Create View" will bring you to the Portfolio Review for the selected portfolio. From here, you’ll be able to customize the view of the portfolio and sort on specific metrics that you are looking for to help understand the value of the stock. You’ll also be able to draw any stock in the portfolio as a FAST Graph by clicking on the ticker.

To name this view, go in the "Name" box and title your view. Once you have chosen your fields, click the blue "Create" button.

In this example below we have put a checkmark in:

  • Exchange

  • Credit Rating

  • Current Price as Close

  • Long-Term Debt/Capital

Remember to complete by clicking "Create."

That takes you to the view we just created. From here you can then click on a ticker and go to graphing, or you can "edit" your view and add more information. You can move your columns in different positions, and also sort your columns from ascending to descending.

NOTE: You can create as many views as you like. Choose titles so you can easily add these views to other portfolios.

Re-usable Views (VIDEO)

You can easily reuse views across all your portfolios and preset portfolios. No more hassle of repeating the same process for each portfolio! Plus, we've introduced a centralized View Manager where you can create, modify, and manage your views effortlessly.

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